Join us for our 2025 Events!

Saturday, June 14th

Saturday, September 29th

The Left Hand Brewing Foundation (LHBF) relies on the generous support of an incredible community of businesses, individuals and organizations who contribute financially and through in-kind donations and volunteer time.

As an organization, LHBF seeks to connect the passionate Left Hand Brewing audience with non-profits and causes in our community. At our large events we highlight several specific beneficiaries. Through those events, as well as through year-round giving, we make charitable contributions. LHBF also invests a portion of revenue into an endowment dedicated to serving future emergency needs in the Longmont community.

Left Hand Brewing Foundation Endowment
The Left Hand Brewing Foundation was formed in 2013 in response to historic flooding in Boulder County. We were exceptionally fortunate to host Longmont Oktoberfest just a week after the floods and we were able to raise a record $76,000 to support relief efforts here in Longmont.

While we were lucky with the timing, we quickly realized that Longmont needed a strong mechanism in place to respond to issues and emergencies. That is why we founded the Left Hand Brewing Foundation with the intention of growing and maintaining an endowment that is available the next time disaster strikes.

We take a portion of profits from each of our major events and add to the endowment, sometimes in big chunks, sometimes just what we can afford, and we are asking for your help to keep it growing. Each dollar donated helps us fuel the endowment and grow our ability to respond to an emergency when needed.

Connecting with the Community

What's our secret weapon at the Left Hand Brewing Foundation? Beer, of course!

But really, it's more than that. Left Hand Brewing Company was founded in 1993 with the mission of changing the world one pint at a time, and wow has it taken off. Left Hand now distributes to 44 states as well as countries in Europe and Asia. At the foundation, that means that we have an amazing partner to help spread the word about Longmont, the charities and causes that we work with, and the needs in our community.

in 2019, for the first time, we not only donated a portion of event profits to beneficiaries, but also allowed local non-profits to co-host at our events completely free of charge!

This means that we now have a real, tangible way of connecting the massive Left Hand Brewing Company fan base with causes and non-profits that need an audience, awareness and reach to grow their own missions. Showcasing local non-profits requires that we reserve the space, provide rentals and work hard to ensure that the non-profits are putting their best foot forward. Donations from folks like you go a long way toward supporting this.

(When you donate, use the comment function to let us know if you have a non-profit in mind that you would like to see at a festival in the future!)

Festival Beneficiaries

This is the center of our annual giving. For each major festival and event that we produce we partner with local non-profits and donate a portion of the festival's profits to support their organization. Over the years we have supported many incredible organizations including Love Hope Strength, The Longmont Humane Society and The Future Arts Foundation.

Each dollar you donate will enable us to increase our endowment, protect and enhance our donations to our beneficiaries and serve more worthy causes at our events.

Thanks for donating, please feel free to share this message with anyone, and share any ideas or feedback you might have.

The Left Hand Brewing Foundation
[email protected]